Keeping your engine well-tuned as recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer can lower the risk of having to perform major maintenance. From changing your oil regularly to replacing your air filters at the proper intervals, there are a number of maintenance items you can perform regularly to keep your vehicle running smoothly.
CARMAX AUTOCARE has the expertise to decipher check engine light codes, resolve the required maintenance or repair issues, and get your car on the road safely. Our expert auto repair technicians are equipped to handle your auto repair needs. So the next time your check engine light comes on, stop by our work shop.
After a CARMAX AUTOCARE car tune-up, you’ll discover your engine starts easier, runs smoother and is more efficient. A regular engine tune-up will lower emissions, improve fuel economy and restore lost power.
When you get car tune-ups based on your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations, you’re investing in the long-term health of your car, saving you time and money.
At CARMAX AUTOCARE we follow the exact Service and Maintenance recommendations from your vehicle Manufacturer. We use the exact Engine Oil, Transmission Oil, Brake and Power Steering fluids, etc. We have ALL the information regarding what to check, grease or change at each service interval. We also have resources that guide us through any mechanical or electrical procedures needed to repair your vehicle.
We have a high standard which we uphold when we service or repair your vehicles. If you don’t usually perform these tasks yourself, bring your car to a professional CARMAX technician to help ensure the long life of your vehicle.
With our heavy investment in equipment, tools and training of our technicians, we understand the complexities of modern engines. Our professional CARMAX AUTOCARE technicians, many of whom are certified, will skillfully perform engine diagnostic services, routine maintenance, tune-ups and major performance tune-ups to help ensure your engine is running to its maximum ability. They will also provide you with the guidance, answers and the support you need to keep your vehicle running optimally.
Common Warning Signs that your Engine requires a Performance Check/Tune Up
- Decreased gas mileage
- Compromised power
- “Rough” running engine or stalling when stopped
- Engine “knocking” during acceleration, or running on after the ignition is turned off
- “Check engine” light or “service engine soon” light remains on after initial start
Loss of power or Engine Stalling
Your vehicle’s engine performance can be affected by a number of factors including lack of gasoline, a dirty air filter, or bad spark plugs to name a few. This can cause your car to jerk or hesitate, making it difficult to climb hills and push to its fullest speed performance potential.
Changing your air filter and replacing old spark plugs to adds more kick to your engine. Spark plugs help ignite the explosive mixture needed to fuel your car’s engine. As they burn out your engine’s loses power.
Oil Changes
To keep the moving parts of your engine lubricated, change your oil as recommended to optimize your vehicle’s mileage. Waiting too long for an oil change allows your engine to build up with harmful sludge that can damage its components and affect your engine’s performance.
The worst time to have poor engine performance is during the cold season when it takes longer for your engine to reach the temperature required for your fuel to be efficient. Leaving your car idle during the cold seasons to warm-up will force your car to burn more fuel.
At every Oil Change we inspect your tires, brakes, battery, and top off your fluids and lubricants to ensure your vehicle has what it needs to perform at its optimum.
Engine Knocking
Carbon deposits in your engine can also weigh down your vehicle’s performance. These deposits are often the cause of that knocking or pinging noise you hear. The fuel you put into your vehicle is required to have a certain level of carbon cleaning detergent to stop deposits from forming, but sometimes that’s not enough. This becomes a problem because it reduces the amount of space you have in your gas cylinder, which increases compression causing your car to knock.
If your car is overheating it could be for a number of reasons including a leaking radiator, loss of power to your fan or a damaged or slack fan belt. To add more life to your engine and its cooling system, get your oil changed regularly to prevent your belt from struggling to rotate, check your belts and belt tensioners to make sure its firm and has no cuts in it. A broken belt can prevent your compressor, power steering or fan from working effectively, which may bring your engine to a complete stop. Check your serpentine belt for cracks and debris regularly, and change your belt as recommended by your car’s manufacturer.
Check Engine Light
Your check engine light engages for a number of reasons including faulty oxygen sensors, cylinder misfires, an insufficient EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) flows, or a lose gas cap. Today’s technology allows us to stop the guessing game with your vehicle’s health status. Our advanced diagnostic tools allow us to extract the exact fault codes and provide recommendations that would rectify any issues.
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